1875 m.

Baby Park Larici


The Park is divided into two specific areas: one for skiing and snowboarding and one for sledging and rubber dinghies.
Type of ski lift: Magic carpet
Height difference: 10 m.
Elevation: 1875 m.
Length: 50 m.




120 at 2100 m.


-5° at 2100 m.


Weak at 2100 m.

Baby Park Larici


Magic carpet

The Park is divided into two areas: one for children wearing skis and one for children using sledges and rubber dinghies.
Entrance to the BABY PARK costs 6,00 € and is reserved to children up to 10 years of age, wearing a PROTECTIVE HELMET. Ski instructors can access the area wearing skis or snowboard to be with the children who are carrying a regular skipass.
Each child can be accompanied by one adult without skis or board.

The person in charge of the child: * can use the magic carpet; * has to look after the children; * must not cause danger or any type of hindrance to the childrens’ activities; * cannot access any of the childrens’ structures; * must stay on the route on the side of the slope;

For any extra info please speak to the BABY PARK custodian.